
English - Reading

English Lead Mrs Teresa Bosley
English Link Governor
Mrs Amanda Haymes
English Skills Progression
The documents below share how we build our children's skills in Reading as they move through the school.
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader helps our children in Years 2 to 6 to maximise their progress in reading.  The children read a book matched to their ability and then complete a quiz to check that they have understood the book.  The children love completing the quizzes!
Children in Reception and Year One read books linked to our phonics scheme.
Rewarding Reading
Reading is vitally important for the future success of our children so we use a reward system to encourage them to read at home.  The children enjoy moving up the ladder and receiving rewards for every 25, 50, 75 and 100 reads at home.
Story Time
The Garden Class read a daily story.  This might be a picture book or a fairy tale or a poem.  The Meadow Class read also listen to a story daily.  This is usually read by the class teacher.  Most of the texts read during story time come from our 'Reading Spine'.
English Teaching
We use a quality text as a starting point for our English lessons and follow the Talk 4 Writing approach to develop our children's writing skills.